
Given his knowledge, expertise, and field experience as a Naturalist, Wildlife Biologist, and Wilderness Survival Instructor, Vincent Pinto is uniquely skilled to assist you with your TV, documentary, or full feature filming needs. Whether Vincent is in front of the camera as a presenter or behind the scenes helping to orchestrate your filming logistics, creative ideas, and props, Vincent is a formidable asset to your filming project!  His charismatic and engaging personality combine with his extensive knowledge to create a unique and captivating presenter for your filming needs.

Vincent’s on-screen host and actor experience in filming projects includes:

  • March 26, 2023 – “Biodiversity in the Heart of the Sky Islands” Film Host, Presenter, Narrator, Director & Script Writer – NPR Article & Radio Interview
  • March 5, 2019 – ” Water Matters More” A Short Film Watch Now
  • Filmed for “American Dream The Movie”. Written/Directed/Edited by Film Director Joel McEwen.
  • Co-star in “The Patagonia Treasure Trail”  Film. An Eco -Western highlighting the impacts of mining in the Sky Islands of Arizona. Written/Directed/Edited by Michele Gisser. Film won runner-up for Best Arizona Feature Film at the 2016 Phoenix Film Festival.
  • Filmed for “Foreign Bodies” TV series  –  on-screen Natural History expert for Dr. Mike Leahy.
  • Filmed for “Buggin’ with Ruud” TV series – on-screen Natural History expert.
  • Filmed for a Wilderness Survival pilot in the panhandle of Florida. Chased by pedigree bloodhounds and a helicopter through the remote Florida wilderness along with partner, as they attempted to capture them through the day and night.
  • Featured appearance on the Discovery Channel’s Naked and Afraid series – season 2, “Meltdown in Bolivia”. Worked with filming crew in remote Bolivian wilderness, including interviews. Used handheld recorder to film himself and demonstrated expert-level Wilderness Survival Skills while under extreme duress.

Natural History

As a Naturalist, Wildlife Biologist, and Ethnobotanist Vincent is quite comfortable imparting his knowledge in front of the camera. He is not only able to follow your specific directions, but also is a wealth of useful and innovative ideas that can enhance your creative vision when filming.  Given his broad base of knowledge he is able to artful tie seemingly disparate concepts together when articulating about various facets of  Nature. Vincent’s areas of expertise in Natural History filming include:

  • Wildlife Biology
  • Conservation Biology
  • Wildlife Tracking
  • Ornithology
  • Mammalogy
  • Herpetology
  • Entomology
  • Botany
  • Ethnobotany – human uses of native plants
  • Conservation Issues

Wilderness Survival

With over 34 years of Wilderness Survival training, direct experience, and teaching Vincent brings the authenticity and presence required of an effective presenter.  His many Survival Skills include:

  • Survival Shelters of many types
  • Fire-by-friction, including bow-drill, hand-drill, fire-plow, fire-saw, & slow match
  • Wild Edible and other useful plants – Vincent has an M.A. in Ethnobotany, the uses of native plants
  • Flint-knapping – lithic arrowheads, saws, knives, and more
  • Stone-age and Wilderness Tools
  • Water-finding and Safety
  • Weather-related Disaster Prevention
  • Natural Navigation – without modern tools by day and night
  • Cordage or Rope-making from plants
  • Primitive Hunting and Trapping
  • Survival Signals
  • Wilderness and Outdoor Safety
  • Wildlife Tracking

If you would like to use Vincent as a presenter for your program, he will will gladly send a topic-appropriate clip of himself upon request, helping you to decide upon his inclusion in your film project. Considering Vincent’s on-screen appearances, as well as his life long teaching experience, he feels extremely comfortable in front of the camera within the role of a host, narrator, and/or on-screen actor.