Here is feedback about our Safari Tented Camp Eco-Lodge:

“What an awesome experience Vincent and Claudia!  You have created an oasis for all of us to enjoy in the Sky Islands Safari Tented Camp.  The attention to detail is superb!  We shall be back!”

Andrew (Woody) Wood, U.K. – Survival filming expert on the Marooned with Ed Stafford TV Series

“What a wonderful gift you have given us, Thank you Claudia & Vincent for ALL you do for your guests and the planet! The Safari Tented Camp Eco-Lodge you have created is simply unique! Our Birding group had the best Sky Islands experience staying at Jaguar & Ocelot Camps. Being constantly surrounded by birds, owls, and wildlife has improved our identification skills tremendously and added to our safari experience. The coyotes calling over dinner, the javalinas and deer drinking at the pond, the ravens saluting above, the gorgeous coati troop feeding on the wild fruits, and the heard of pronghorn during one of our amazing adventures with you Vincent this past week, shall never be forgotten! Every aspect of this experience has been first class! The delicacies we have eaten at every meal for the past week, presented in such beautiful serving dishes, have now raised the bar for all of us. The comfort of  the sleep number beds with crisp linens, and your comfortable arrangement inside the tents, made us all feel like we had our own home in the wild for the past week. We will also miss the amazing showers al fresco and the awesome incinerator toilets. You have indeed thought about everything to make us all feel so comfortable we keep coming back time and time again! Vincent we will keep traveling with you wherever you shall take us on your wild journeys as there is no better learning experience, thank you for all you are! Until next time Claudia & Vincent, we thank you very much for EVERYTHING and we wish you much continued success! God speed,”

Candice & Bob A.- MA, Jenny & Andrew L. – PA.

“Congratulations Claudia, your incredibly tasteful and balanced imprint is everywhere for everyone to witness. The harmony and perfectionism with which you have transformed Raven’s Nest Nature Sanctuary in just 8 years is simply outstanding! Despite having many photos in the awesome website you have created, it still doesn’t do justice to the experience that began as soon as we arrived at your gate. The tasteful signs you designed to welcome us to the Sanctuary and then to lead us to the beautifully lit and marked parking area, followed by your Check-in Kiosk and Greeting Ramada, immediately set the stage for what was to follow. I will be writing an essay if I were to comment on every minuscule detail you have thought about, and we have noticed…So all I can say to anyone who might be reading:  you just have to see it to believe it! In the middle of nowhere amidst a mesquite woodland after a scenic drive to a remote location, Claudia & Vincent have created a paradise! A unique experience with a perfect balance by a phenomenal couple that together offers to lucky guests tremendous knowledge of every aspect of the natural world during breathtaking Nature Adventures during the day & night, and world-class facilities in the wilderness! String lights and solar lights adorn a network of paths that lead you to the magnificent safari tented camp compound. Open Rock and wood structures have been designed in harmony with the environment and are discreetly nestled between the trees.  Spectacular designs and the best materials, offer the guests social areas such as the Lion’s Den – with the constant sound of water trickling into the pond, Coati Cafe – with an assortment of imported non-alcoholic beverages that fits Claudia’s attention to detail, and an open fire every night after dinner. CatClaw Lounge for exquisite gourmet meals under the dark skies and a dish collection and presentation that enhances the dinning experience and every single meal over a week. Jaguar & Ocelot Camps impeccably appointed with Linens and traditional decor from Africa, adorn the huge canvas tents with screen doors on each side to allow the crisp wild air to permeate the night. Owls hoot, Coyotes howl, and the very dark sky allows Vincent to lead his sublime Astronomy programs where we could even see the moons of Saturn! The moon and the stars enhance the romantic and harmonious setting throughout the camp at night and during the day countless birds surround you as they enjoy the native habitat that Vincent has designed throughout Raven’s Nest Nature Sanctuary! SIMPLY AMAZING ! THANK YOU! We shall be back….”

James W. & Catherine L. – London, UK and Ronald & Gertrude O’ – Edinburgh, Scotland

“A Birder’s Paradise with impressive hosts! Vincent’s amazing knowledge of and passion for every species that flies, calls, walks, swims, grows, blooms, crawls, migrates, howls,hoots, and breeds is mind- boggling, absolutely unique and completely inspirational! Claudia’s good taste, hospitality, and remarkable attention to detail unlike anything, any one of us had ever experienced before! Every aspect of Raven’s Nest Nature Sanctuary therefore reflects all their gifts and passions. The experience at the Safari Tented Camp has become our favorite way to reconnect with our adult children. Rotating invitations to join us as we spend a week at every different season at Raven’s Nest are now legendary. Book in advance to make sure we have not taken the few available dates with Vincent as you must explore his repertoire of Sky Islands wild journeys! Prepare to indulge in exquisite and generous cuisine at every meal and have the best sleep you’re had! For our extended family, every occasion has over the years turned into a reason to return to enjoy this one of a kind experience with Claudia & Vincent!”

Joshua & Esther F. – NYC

“We had a wonderful couple of  nights here at Raven’s Nest Nature Sanctuary – listening to the Coyotes singing to the full moon, walking through clouds of Butterflies, and enjoying delicious meals from the garden.  Claudia and Vincent have created a sanctuary for Nature and we were so happy to share it for a little while.

Pete and Joanne – Tucson, AZ

“Thank you for your hospitality and great Nature experiences. The Safari Tented Camp experience was amazing. The attention to detail of Jaguar Camp is extraordinary. The organic gourmet meals full of flavors will me missed forever. I will return to retire at Jaguar Camp!”

Holger J. – Professor Germany

“Claudia & Vincent have made a paradise from a labor of love at Raven’s Nest Nature Sanctuary! We need spaces like this to renew for the challenges of saving the environment and it’s peoples. Thanks for sharing your amazing Safari Camp and for this experience!”

Mary Margaret F. – Professor ASU – Phoenix, AZ

“Vi ringrazio per la condivisione di Raven’s Nest santuario della natura con il nostro gruppo. Abbiamo avuto una indimenticabile esperienza in Arizona. Non dimenticheremo mai la vostra generosa ospitalità! Vincent grazie per averci guidato nella vostra bella Chiricahuas e per tutte le fantastiche avventure di natura. Abbiamo imparato molto da voi. Claudia ci mancherà il vostro gourmet cibo organico. Ci sarà il ritorno di godere di tutti i comfort di vostro Safari Tented Camp e alla Jaguar e Ocelot Camp, la nostra casa in Arizona! Nel frattempo, ci mancherai e ci auguriamo sia molto meglio a RWWJ.”

Pina, Fonsie, Giulietta, Biaggio, Marcello, Eli, Gianni, & Francesca – Italy

“Obrigado Claudia & Vicente para um retiro de natureza inesquecível em Raven Ninho de natureza Santuário. Vincent, o nosso grupo tinha uma fabulosa experiência durante todos os seus amazing tours para tantas diferentes habitats e bela no Arizona. A sua paixão e conhecimento são uma inspiração para quem ouvir. O nosso grupo aprendemos muito sobre o Arizona Sky ilhas e a conservação e o meio ambiente. Claudia agradecer a sua hospitalidade, deliciosa comida gourmet. O seu belo Safari Tented Camp, camas muito confortáveis, chuveiros quentes sob as estrelas, eram muito mais que tínhamos esperado. Parabéns por tudo o que tem feito em tão curto período de tempo em seu Eco-Lodge. A beleza da experiência que você criou é único. Melhor da sorte de todos nós Claudia & Vicente!”
Almeida family & Medeiros family

“We spent 4 days and 3 nights at Raven’s nest Nature Sanctuary in a Safari Tent – with heaters, electric blankets, and sparkling lights.  We built a fire Friday night.  Vincent offered to build one, but I wanted to test my scouting skills – and I was successful!  On hikes we took around Raven’s Nest we flushed some Quail, saw Ravens, and lots of Javelina scat.  We had the place to ourselves, which was how we preferred it.  No doubt we will be back!”

Connie D. Professor ASU – Phoenix, AZ

“Vielen Dank für Ihre schönen Raven’s Nest für eine erstaunliche Natur Retreat! Wir werden alle bald wieder genießen Sie pädagogische Abenteuer, ihr exquisites Essen und Ihre einzigartige Safari Camp. Alles, was wir vermissen, wenn wir wieder nach Deutschland! Beste Wünsche”

Kuni, Lara, Isa, Hertha, Gerhild, Hedwig, Germany

Vincent – We had a wonderful weekend yet again! Every Winter our group looks forward to gathering for your informative and beautiful Sky Islands adventures. Claudia – lunch, dinner & Breakfast were all delicious as usual, Thank you! You do a fabulous job on the table settings and the decor of the Safari Camp is amazing. Both are great hosts and it shows how much you love what you do. You exceeded our expectations yet again in every aspect of this wonderful experience! We look forward to what you will plan for our next winter reunion. Until then we wish you continued and well deserved success!”

Julia & Wayne R. – Scottsdale, AZ

“Excellent, Excellent, Excellent!!!  Thank you both!  Your knowledge, hospitality, and facilities are superb!  World Class!  We are grateful!

Pierre, Francine & the French group!

“Ich danke Ihnen für Ihre Gastfreundschaft, die im europäischen Stil ist selten zu finden, in Amerika! Ihre Safari Camp erleben Sie zusammen mit dem Wildlife Tours hat uns alle in ein Arizona Safari in der Tat. Kehren wir häufig, wie wir gefunden haben, eine American Gem.”
Ada & Achim G. , Jutta & Claus H. , German

“Thank you Claudia and Vincent for a fantastic stay at Raven’s Nest!  We had a wonderful time – delicious food, beautiful scenery, gorgeous tents and camp, not to mention excellent hosts.  We learned so much during stargazing too.  Hope we can return one day!”

Amanda & Robin, NY, NY

感谢的热情! 您的 Safari 的帐篷营地、美味的食品, 绝对漂亮的 Raven 的燕窝自然保护区都是独特的。我们希望己的。

Chenguang, Ai, Daiyu, Jingfei, lihua, Meixiu – China

“Tak for at dele sådan en uforglemmelig oplevelse. Vi vil savne deres gæstfrihed! Vi elskede hvert aspekt af Raven’s Nest Natur Reservat, den fantastiske natur oplevelser og Vincent’s lære, Claudia er absolut lækker økologisk mad og alle de bekvemmeligheder af din safari teltcamp!”

Esther, Frederikke J. & Regitze & Sigga S. , Denmark

“Claudia, thank you for an absolutely wonderful Glamping experience!  Everything was wonderful and far exceed our expectations.  Your gift of hospitality is evident in all that you do – from a warm welcome to a beautiful table setting and the absolutley scrumptious meals.  You and Vincent have created a beautiful place here at Raven’s Nest and all your stewardship of this land is a perfect example for all of us.”

Melissa and Robbie G., Texas

“Nous vous remercions tous pour un inoubliable nature retreat et l’aventure chez Claudia & Vincent au Sanctuaire Naturel Raven’s Nest. Vincent, notre groupe avait une expérience fabuleuse pendant tous vos voyages fantastiques. Merci de nous guider pour tant de différentes nature adventures dans l’Arizona. Vous avez tellement de connaissances, l’expérience, et un véritable passion pour la nature, la conservation et l’environnement. Claudia merci pour toute votre attention au détail et l’hospitalité européenne à notre groupe au cours de la semaine dernière. Il va nous manquer votre gastronomie, le Safari Tented Camp, les lits confortables au Jaguar et l’Ocelot Camp, les douches sous les étoiles, et la paix, et la beauté de votre magnifique Sanctuaire. Encore un grand merci de nous tous Claudia et Vincent pour votre généreuse hospitalité ! Nous espérons vous revoir bientôt!”

Madeleine, Aline, Dominique, Deni, Cosette, Ginette, Fernande, Lucie, Bertrand, Claude – France

“Gracias Claudia y Vincent por propiciarnosuna inolvidable experiencia en su bellisimo Santuario de la Naturaleza Raven’s Nest. Es una lastima tener que marcharnos pues nos gustaria seguir disfrutando de este paraiso con vosotros. Vicente, nuestro grupo ha tenido una fabulosa experiencia durante todos sus diversos tours a tours a tantos y tan diversos y hermosos sitios en Arizona. Su pasión y conocimiento son increíbles y realment una fuente de inspiración para quien tiene la fortuna de escucharlo. Nuestro grupo aprendido tanto sobre Arizona, temas relevantes de conservación y por supuesto de el medio ambiente. Claudia gracias por su generosa hospitalidad en su espectacular Safari Tented Camp. En nuestra memoria colectiva regresaran a España las deliciosas cenas gourmet bajo las estrellas, su increíble atencion a cada detalle en su hermoso Safari Tented Camp, las cómodas camas con linos organicos, las extraordinarias duchas calientes bajo las estrellas, y mil detalles mas eran mucho más de lo que jamas habíamos esperado encontrar en RWWJ. Felicitaciones por todo lo que han hecho en tan corto período de tiempo en su Eco-Lodge. La belleza de la experiencia que ambos en pareja han creado es simplemente único. Claudia & Vincent realment ha sido un placer conocerles y todos les deseamos la mejor de la suertes como ustedes se lo merecen!”

Familia Asturias & Familia Robledo

“Grattis till alla dina bevarande initiativ & miljöpraxis på din vackra Eco-Lodge. Den totala upplevelsen som du har skapat för dina lyckliga gäster är unik.Tack Claudia & Vincent för en oförglömlig natur retreat på Raven’s Nest natur helgedom. Vincent, dina turer är bäst! Alla hade en fantastisk upplevelse att utforska så många olika och vackra miljöer i Arizona. Tack för att du delar med dig av din kunskap. Claudia tacka er gästfrihet, utsökt gourmetmat. Din vackra Safari Tented Camp, awesome förbränningsugn toaletter, bekväma och mysiga sängar, fantastiskt varma duschar under stjärnorna, var fantastisk. Lycka till från oss alla Claudia & Vincent! Vi hoppas att återkomma snart!”

Agata, Bernt, Acke, Claes, Aina, Elof, Frej, Alf, Fritjof, Gunilla, Asta, Halsten – Sweden

“Il nostro gruppo ha viaggiato in tutto il mondo diversi Eco-Lodges e anche a vari Safari Tented Camp in Africa e noi tutti concludono che la vostra esperienza complessiva è il top della lunga lista! Il vostro le iniziative di conservazione e pratiche ambientali sono di ispirazione. Come ospiti ci sentiamo privilegiati per partecipare al vostro bellissimo Eco-Lodge. Grazie Claudia & Vincent per la condivisione con i vostri ospiti così generosamente ad una natura indimenticabile ritiro a Raven’s Nest Nature Sanctuary. Avete creato un’ esperienza unica. Vincent, tutti i vostri tour erano incredibili! La vostra conoscenza e il vostro entusiasmo sono fantastici! Il nostro gruppo aveva una favolosa esperienza esplorare tante diverse e splendido habitat in Arizona. Grazie per tutto! Claudia erano cominciare? La vostra ospitalità leggendaria, deliziosi piatti gourmet e squisita Safari Tented Camp, erano fantastici. Tutti noi gli auguriamo il meglio Claudia & Vincent ! Speriamo di tornare di nuovo!”

Savina, Alessio, Orabella, Cipriano, Vittoria, Elpidio, Nerio – Italy

Claudia and Vincent, I can’t thank you enough for sharing this beautiful place with us.  What you have here is truly special and I have been inspired by your passion to keep it that way.  Your hospitality, I’m sure, will go unmatched for some time.  Claudia – your magic in the kitchen was only topped by your sweetness.  Vincent – I am proud to share a name with a guy like you.

Vincent G. – St. George

“Claudia’s commitment to ensuring you are comfortable and well-fed only enhances time spent here – a tremendous hostess.  Thank you!”

Mary, Tucson, AZ  & Joel, Buffalo, NY

“Stayed in Jaguar Camp.  Did birdwatching with Vincent and since we rode in the car with him we got the best ever.  He spoke about the geology, wildlife, and local history, as well as birds the whole way.  We are novice birdwatchers, yet felt very comfortable asking simple questions alongside the rest of the group.  Even in winter with very little greenery the camp felt lush.  There is no background noise to interfere with conversations or listening to Nature.  It was January and the tent was very warm and cozy while we slept.  It was great to see the brightness of the full moon without any city lights.  The meals prepared by Claudia were so delicious.  We enjoyed a combination of ingredients we have never experience before.  Every meal was more amazing than the last.  Our only regret was that there was more food than we could finish!  We loved every last minute of our weekend!

Patty and Dan McCarthy, Phoenix, AZ

“Claudia, thank you for a unique, memorable, and unforgettable experience at raven’s Nest Nature Sanctuary!  The Safari Tented Camp accommodations, Sleep Number Bed, furnishings, and all your attention to detail are simply unique!”

Your grateful Italian guests that will return – Elisabetta & Paolo G. – Rome, Italy

“We had a very memorable few days sojourn at Jaguar Camp.  The Ethnobotany class was excellent and the Naturalist Saunter on Sunday was great fun.  Seeing the Gila Monster and all the wonderful birds, plants, and insects was a highlight.  Thank you.”

Jody Lee, Tucson, AZ – Pima College Professor

“You’ve created a beautiful Garden of Eden here in the desert.  This place is truly a sanctuary in many, many ways.  I am very grateful for my time spent here in Jaguar camp.  What an amazing adventure it has been!  Until we meet again.”

Brian, AK

“To my new friends – Vincent and Claudia: Can’t say enough now, but give me a little time and the world will know what a truly stunning place this is and passionate the 2 of you are in making this a dream of a camping experience.  Truly a blessing to meet you and to have stayed.  Will definitely be back many times in the future.”

Michellete W.- Colorado

“We had a fantastic time with Vincent and Claudia.  They are truly genuine people with incredible talents.  We would love to come back and enjoy this wonderful environment again.  Thank you for the awesome Nature Walk and an amazing gluten-free meal.”

Deb & Gary G., Windsor, CO

“What an amazing and rejuvenating experience at Jaguar Camp.  We came for our 10-year anniversary, an this could not have been more perfect.  Claudia and Vincent are obviously so passionate about Raven’s Nest and it is inspiring to see so much love.  We really enjoyed our time here and will definitely be back to learn about and experience more of this beautiful place.  Thank you so much.”

Jill & Seth A. – Tucson, AZ

“An amazing end to our Arizona trip.  The food was magnificent and the tent was a great place to come home to each night.  Claudia and Vincent show their passion for the land and wildlife in many ways.  We share the same passion, so it was great to meet kindred spirits.  We ill be back!”

Vickie B. & Jim S., Richmond, NC

“Thank you for sharing your amazing Safari Tented Camp with us.  We had a fabulous experience at Raven’s Nest Nature Sanctuary and applaud you for all that you do and your attention to detail, as well as your gourmet food.

Andrew & Jason, Chicago, IL

“Thank you so much for the amazing experience.  You two are wonderful hosts!  I hope to be back in the near future.  The food was delicious and the accommodations warm and inviting.  Peace and love to you both.

Ginny K. – Cave Creek, AZ

“I loved the experience at Raven’s Nest Nature Sanctuary – so in awe of all you have done.  The Safari Camp was wonderful.  Loved everything. Thank you for hosting such a large group!

Beth S., AZ


  • Patagonia Regional Times – August/September 2019 Read Article
  • Nogales International – September 1, 2017 Read Article
  • Green Valley News – September 18, 2017 Read Article
  • The Vermillion Flycatcher – Tucson Audubon Society Read Article


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